
Adopting Technology into your Insurance Business – With Dan Keough, CEO of Holmes Murphy & Associates

Season Two – Episode Twelve

Joining us in the Insurance Coffee House USA this week, we have a great guest in Dan Keough. Dan is the Chairman and CEO of Holmes Murphy & Associates, Co-CEO/Co-Founder of BrokerTech Ventures and Founder & Chairman of Innovative Captive Strategies.

A leading insurance executive with his fingers on the pulse of technology and insurtech, Dan shares with us an insight into his world as leader of three successful insurance businesses and how he manages his time and attention between each one.

Holmes Murphy & Associates is the third largest independently owned insurance broker in the United States and it is this business that we focus our attention in the Coffee House today.

Dan advises us on their considerable growth plans – to double in size every five years and explains how acquiring the best talent and being the employer of choice for that talent is crucial to that success.

He talks openly about the unique opportunities available for high-performers at Holmes Murphy, which include the unique chance to be involved in collaborations with BrokerTech Ventures.

If listeners would like to reach out to Dan after the show, they can find him through the Holmes Murphy website https://www.holmesmurphy.com/

The Insurance Coffee House is hosted by Nick Hoadley, CEO of Insurance Search, the executive search consultancy for the Insurance and Insurtech sectors in the United States and UK.

If you would like to contact Nick about the podcast or to discuss growing your leadership team, please reach out to him via LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-hoadley-78a498143/, contact Insurance Search via www.insurance-search.com or email info@insurance-search.com