Tell your story and showcase your
employer brand

Over 25,000 unique listeners

With almost 200 episodes spread over 4 series, the Insurance Coffee House Podcast is downloaded by thousands of insurance industry business leaders, C-level insurance executives and emerging talent in the USA, UK, Bermuda and across the globe.

Each episode, we hear a guest’s career backstory and journey in to their current insurance leadership position. The podcast helps showcase our client’s employee value proposition, culture and what it takes to succeed in their business.

Listen to our latest episodes

Launched in 2020, the Insurance Coffee House Podcast is an insightful conversational interview with those in strategic leadership positions within the Insurance and InsurTech sectors.

The weekly show offers guests the opportunity to tell their insurance story, showcase their employer brand and highlight the career opportunities within their business to thousands of insurance professionals.

Listen to our latest episodes

On the podcast, we’re joined by Cullen Piske, President and, Michael Pitre, COO at Gray Surety. Cullen shares how ‘love’ led him to joining the Gray Insurance Company and moving around their portfolio companies before ‘finding’ surety.   Michael discusses his logistics and communications role in the US Marines, doing a Masters Business Degree at...
On the Insurance Coffee House Podcast this week, we welcome Allison Keavey Luther, Deputy Chief of Human Resources at Boston-based Plymouth Rock Assurance Allison talks about her career journey from TV producer at CNBC to catching the start-up bug, working as General Manager for early-stage businesses. From there she rode a massive wave of growth...
On the podcast this week, we welcome Nick Campbell, Global Head of Credit & CEO Bermuda at SiriusPoint.  Nick talks to Nick Hoadley about:  being Bermudian but starting his career in the UK returning to Bermuda to be told he was the ‘wrong’ kind of actuary and wouldn’t get a job on island   his journey...
On the podcast this week, we welcome Andrew Couper, Chief Actuary at Conduit Re. Andrew talks to Nick Hoadley about:  qualifying as an actuary in 1995 and working in the London Market joining Conduit Re in November 2021 and his experience of working in Bermuda and London Conduit Re’s growth from launching in 2020 to...
On the podcast this week, we welcome Laura Pepper, Head of Claims at RenaissanceRe Laura talks to Nick Hoadley about:  her career journey from law graduate in to insurance and joining RenaissanceRe 10 years ago moving to Bermuda in 2019 for a one-year secondment and what’s kept her on island business growth and acquiring Validus...

What others say about the podcast

“So refreshing to hear some new ideas, put across in a wonderfully fresh and accessible way”
“For people in the world of insurance, at any level, it’s a great listen”
“Excellent – really incisive and informative interviews”

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Tell us your business story and we’ll talk to you about guest opportunities on the show.