On the podcast this week, we welcome Nick Campbell, Global Head of Credit & CEO Bermuda at SiriusPoint.
Nick talks to Nick Hoadley about:
- being Bermudian but starting his career in the UK
- returning to Bermuda to be told he was the ‘wrong’ kind of actuary and wouldn’t get a job on island
- his journey to becoming Global Head of Credit and Bermuda CEO of SiriusPoint
- the mix of local and global roles available to high-performing insurance talent
- how the company’s culture informs every interaction and conversation
- engaging in the local community in both formal and informal ways
- taking risk and considering lateral moves for longer-term career progression
- making sure you’ll enjoy a Bermuda lifestyle, if you’re exploring career opportunities on island
- and whether he’d do anything differently if he had his time again
Find out more about SiriusPoint
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