Our insurance executive search specialists combine industry experience, insurance market knowledge, with years of identifying and recruiting the most senior executive talent for insurance businesses across the USA.

Partnering with insurance brokers, carriers, mutuals and insurtech businesses, our team works alongside leading insurance organizations from East Coast to West.

Our clients span all the major financial centers including Boston, New York, Chicago, Austin and Atlanta, working to support them with hiring VP to C-level insurance leaders.

Open and inclusive executive search expertise for all types and sizes of insurance businesses

Finding the right insurance leadership talent to steer your insurance business through a fast-changing risk landscape, requires a transparent, accessible and inclusive search process.

Our industry-recognized executive search solutions are open to all types of insurance businesses across the industry, irrespective of size, niche or location.

An executive search process that looks outside of traditional networks and referrals

Our insurance executive search team across the USA partners with clients to deliver a search methodology that removes traditional biases and champions diversity and inclusion.

We find the very best insurance leadership candidates, through the most comprehensive identification and selection process.

We partner with USA-based insurance companies of all shapes and sizes – from insurtech starts-ups to PE-backed high growth insurance brokers to more traditional mutually owned businesses.

Helping insurance businesses across the USA attract the most diverse and skilled leaders

Contact Nick Hoadley to learn more

Supporting the full spectrum of insurance businesses across the USA, we’ve recently worked with a New York-based insurtech to help them build a highly skilled senior executive team.

The client tasked us to find four C-level leaders – COO, CTO, Chief Actuary & Chief Insurance Officer.

Combined with a forensic market mapping of all talent, we created a dedicated episode of the Insurance Coffee House podcast to showcase their employer brand and engage their candidates in value proposition.

The Outcome: 6+ shortlisted candidates interviewed for each position and the candidate of choice secured for each role.

Book a call and find out more today.

Insurance Search’s understanding of our specific needs for talent together with a great network, was key to finding us the best candidates.

Would robust data around your key competitors across the USA help your business? Find out more about our Market Intelligence Reports here.

If you want an open, accessible and transparent insurance executive search partner to support your executive hiring in the USA, contact us today